There are many things about print that are beautiful and out of reach to the digital world. The printed word is a tangible thing, real to touch, hold in one’s hand, turn the pages with one’s fingers. But print has a harrowing and unforgiving side. If a mistake is made, it will last forever. And so I owe an apology to the father of all angling writing, Izaak Walton, for not spotting that his name, and the name of his iconic tome The Compleat Angler had both been incorrectly spelt on the very first page, of the very first issue of Fallon’s Angler. “You plonker Rodney!” An inauspicious start to say the least, but the intention was honourable. Irregardless of my sloppiness, hopefully the great man will look favourably on the magazine, and grant it the time and luck to make up for my faux pas. And for the pedants among you, enjoy the moment, I’m sure there will be plenty more to come. It is a worthwhile risk to take, so that the beauty of the printed word can be seen to be believed.