Micro spinning for wild brown trout on a lost urban river in England with David West Beale. The angler keeps returning to a favourite urban river to check on the health of its miraculous stocks of wild brown trout. After years of experimentation, he practices the Japanese technique of micro spinning, using a tiny rod to cast minuscule lures with single barbless hooks, mostly upstream. Wading the river carefully, he pushes deep into those areas unfamiliar to most who live and work there except playful dogs, lost tennis balls and the occasional surprisingly large trout. This is an intimate look at a small, delightful river, almost forgotten amongst the roads and tunnels that have encased it. But in the moments when it escapes its concrete prison, it rejoices in short bouts of freedom. David shares these places where this small river still bounces with life, while beneath a thriving stock of wild brown trout face an unknown future.