The home of Adnams beer, there is a sweet smell of brewing throughout the village, which blends in with the salt air and the waft of fish and chips. As well as a fine pier, from which you can fish, the beach offers the angler the chance of cod, whiting, sole, dab, smooth hound and bass. No lure fishing here though—the wind rips up the coast and the water is often the colour of soup. But a good cast will get you out towards an offshore sandbank. If you blank, well, there’s always the Nelson, the Red Lion, the Sole Bay Inn…
Several years back while strolling the pier one morning,heard several splashes as if someone was throwing rocks into the sea. With no one else around I peered over the handrail to see bass chasing bait fish and lots of them. I quickly went back to my car,grabbed my lure gear and rod and made my way back to the spot where I found the bass still active. Casting out an 18grm. Dexter wedge, was into a bass first cast,hand lining the fish up the pier wasn’t easy but a beauty of 48cm. Quickly returned I went on to catch six more all returned bar one of 44cm. Which my wife and I had for supper that evening. I also lost a much bigger bass which took me under the pier and feeling the braid line grating on one of the pier stanchions the fish was lost. All this happened in the space of an hour,no more, haven’t seen it since but have lure fished the river on the Walberswick side but only managed under size bass.