The Hawk Conservancy

IMG_2888Anyone trundling west along the A303 will have seen the signs for The Hawk Conservancy Trust. A few miles west of Andover, the Trust is now over 50 years old, and also supports the National Bird of Prey Hospital.

The daily flying displays have to be seen to be believed, and the Trust’s support and conservation work extends across the globe. From a red kite reintroduction programme, through the rescue and rehabilitation of wild British birds and efforts to save the vultures of Africa and Asia, the Trust are doing whatever the can.

If you get really lucky, then a passing raptor might moult a primary in mid-flight and drop it on your lap – providing a nifty new quill for some crucian margin fishing (see Fish we Like and Things we Like). Alternatively it might poop on you, in which case you’d better hope it was a little owl and not a griffon vulture….

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