There have been some delays… but it’s ok, it will be here soon. To explain… over week ago we discovered our printers had printed Fallon’s Angler 3 with the wrong cover stock (it was glossy!!) as well as a serious colour issue running through the internal pages. We didn’t know this had happened until it had been delivered, and as a result we had to pulp the entire print run. This caused a delay that was supposed to be rectified by yesterday. However, erring on the safe side, the printers decided NOT to trim or bind the new magazine until I had seen the printed sheets and covers, and the untrimmed and unbound sheets and covers arrived to my office yesterday morning. So, I am very sorry to say there has been another delay. However, I am delighted to add that it looks brilliant, our best one yet, and will be worth the wait. I have now been promised the magazine by Wednesday, so I’ll just hold my fingers crossed for now. Apologies again for these continued delays. At the very least, we now know that a glossy cover looks crap on Fallon’s Angler, and I don’t have to worry about which wallpaper to choose for my study as the untrimmed sheets will do nicely. These things happen in publishing, annoyingly, so your patience is much appreciated.